Allods Wiki
Empire Title
A Shot at the Enemy
Start Sarbaz Rashepses
End Sarbaz Rashepses
Level 39 (Req. 38)
Category Yazes Shard
Experience 735
Reputation 500 Imperial Sentinels Reputation
Rewards 5 Imbued Bandage
40s 50c
Repeatable Daily
Oh, my poor ship! We were sent to attack the giant Astral demon off the coast of the Tainted Valley, but now it's nothing but wreckage. I don't think the engineers could ever fix her up even if we could get her away from all the demons that have swarned the decks.
I must have revenge on the monster that caused all this! Listen, I'm pretty sure that some of the ship's cannons are still working. Travel to the coast and board what's left of the vessel, then fire a shot at that damned Astral demon! Me and the rest of the crew would be grateful for your efforts.


Use the Battered Artillery to shoot the Astral demon and return to Sarbaz Rashepses.


No cannons should be wasted! That's the motto of true Astral sailor.


Excellent! Hopefully that demon is in a lot of pain right now. You know, I bet that cannons has a few more shots left in it. Return to me tomorrow and perhaps you can take another at the enemy.

