Allods Wiki
Empire Title
Emergency Shirt Restock
Start Yaver Kamose
End Yaver Kamose
Level 16
Category ZIT Headquarters
Experience 390
Reputation 250Arisen Reputation
Repeatable Daily
Ah! It just came to my mind that one thing we're low on are new shirts. We rarely order clothes since we normally spend most of our time with our research, but after the issues with the rats, the loose yak, and the pyramid activating - well, we're definitely in need of replacing there torn garments.
You don't happen to be an experienced tailor, do you? Don't worry, I'm not asking for Baketova quality robes, I'm just asking for a few garments to help us out. Think you can bring us a few?


Bring 5 Blouses of Flawed Enchant Cloth to Yaver Kamose





This is quest for Tailoring profession.
